Contacting the author:
In the years since this site was first put online I have enjoyed getting mail from people who like my page. I have always tried to answer mail that was sent to me, but these days I am a full-time research administrator and scientist. As this page has always been a hobby rather than a job, I haven’t always have the time to answer email, and I realized that I truly have no time to devote to email these days. As such, I have removed the email link. It’s not that I don’t want to hear from people; rather, it’s largely because I would rather not provide contact information than disappoint someone by never answering. (For anyone wanting to contact me professionally, it shouldn't be too hard to find my information elsewhere.)
If you were trying to contact me to submit an image, I appreciate the effort. I have lots of images of nine-banded armadillos and do not really need more; I would be interested in images of other species, especially those for which an image is not currently available on this site. Again, contact information should not be hard to find. I’d like to post it here but that would only encourage my inbox to fill with questions I would not have time to answer. Please understand that I am not trying to make it hard for people to contact me, and this site could not have been built without the many contributions people have made over the years, but I simply no longer have the free time to answer all my email. I would rather have people be disappointed that there is no easy way to contact me, than to have people disappointed that I did not answer my mail!